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                      9.11 Crossposting (XC)

     Although CCs are not supported for EchoMail and Local folders,
     there is an additional function that provides you with a method
     of broadcasting the same message to two or more folders. This
     function is called crossposting, XC hereafter, and is not
     available in the noncommercial version.

     To use the XC function, put the text "xc:" (case does not matter)
     followed by one or more numbers, separated by commas. Each number
     represents a folder number where you want the message
     cross-posted. If your folder list looks like:

         1   BNU
         2   COMP.SYS.IBM.PC
         3   FDECHO
         4   TSECHO
         5   NETSYSOP

     And you put "xc: 1,3,5" in a message in folder two. The resulting
     messages will have

         * Crossposted in BNU
         * Crossposted in COMP.SYS.IBM.PC
         * Crossposted in FDECHO
         * Crossposted in NETSYSOP

     At the top of each message. The target folder is excluded from
     the list. Ie. " * Crossposted in BNU " will appear in each
     message not going to the first (BNU) folder.

See Also: 10 Terminal
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